Ex-revenue min defends dept Purchase – News2IN

Ex-revenue min defends dept Purchase

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Former earnings Union E Chandrasekharan defended the controversial arrangement, issued by chief secretary (earnings ) on October 24 final year, that had been misinterpreted by lawbreakers to reduce centuries-old rosewood and walnut trees in the property delegated to farmers.
In his announcement, Chandrasekharan stated that the arrangement provides no room for misinterpretation.
He explained the arrangement that has become a controversy, is closely about the trees in property delegated beneath the land mission rules, 1964.
The arrangement doesn’t state that trees, such as rosewood (except sandalwood), may be trimmed from property delegated to farmers.
At exactly the identical period, the rules clearly state that anyhow rosewood, walnut, ebony and sandalwood trees, staying 76 kinds of trees which are on delegated land could be booked from the assignees because of their usage after remitting the price of these trees.
He added that there had been some complaints arising from several property assignees that several officers are not permitting them to cut back trees contained in the record of 76 trees, so the price of which were remitted to the authorities.
In the aftermath of the problems, the authorities then decided to take a meeting with different divisions and issued an order to provide a warning.
He explained that no self-respecting officer would allow felling of trees from misinterpreting the purchase and if anybody has done thus, he/she will cover the cost for his or her deeds.
The section’s contentious order was issued following a series of meetings involving the then earnings Union E Chandrasekharan and forest Union K Raju.
The misused arrangement was cancelled by sales section in February this year.

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