Experts study the possible vaccination of the age group 12-14 – News2IN

Experts study the possible vaccination of the age group 12-14

Experts study the possible vaccination of the age group 12-14
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Consideration to expand the Covid Vaccination Program to cover children aged 12-14 years even though the decision will be regulated by scientific evidence, health officials said on Thursday because the first dose of JABS increases more than 53% among teenagers 15-17 years .
Meanwhile, the absorption of the dose of preventive measures or booster continues to be moderate because many health workers and front lines are infected during the latest surge.
About 63% of the 35 health care workers who qualified Lakh, 58% of the 33 Lakh frontline workers and 39% of nearly 48 Senior Lakh citizens who qualified to receive prevention doses, official data until January 20 showed.
Only health, frontline workers and elderly are over 60 years with a co-morbidity that has completed a nine-month gap since the second dose they qualified to receive booster shots launched by the government from January 10.
Fear of Contract Infection.
In vaccination locations are also seen as a factor responsible for low footsteps for the dose of preventive measures, especially among parents.
While the proportion of people was late because the second dose of Covid vaccines had fallen recently, around 6.5 crore people still had not taken their second dose even after their scheduled date, the government said urging people to seek protection against severe diseases and death due to Covid 19.
Officials say that while the focus is to maximize the scope of the eligible population, it works with a holistic approach that sees scientific evidence, availability of vaccines and jab production to ensure that all under 12 years can be immunized.
“Our goal is to vaccinate them over 12 years.
The work is happening on the border and deliberation that occurred in this matter,” said members of the Aayog Niti member Dr.
V K Paul.
At present, the first dose coverage among teenagers 15-17 years is above the national average in 21 countries.

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