Experts urge parents to be careful of the fear of the 3rd covid wave – News2IN

Experts urge parents to be careful of the fear of the 3rd covid wave

Experts urge parents to be careful of the fear of the 3rd covid wave
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: Worried on predictions that the third wave of Covid-19 will affect more children, experts have advised parents to care for their extra ward.
After the State Government announced unlocking the market and reopening the park, people began to remove children and also relaxed about security guidelines.
Doctors say children who live in homes tend to get an infection from parents or elders, who come out.
“Parents must be careful that they do not infect children.
All parents ensure that they have been vaccinated.
Because breakthrough infections are increasing, they must follow the corresponding behavior of Covid even after vaccination.
At home, the rooms must be ventilated well.
Avoid Bringing children to a meeting in a room like a birthday party and gathering outdoors large.
Parents must ensure that children wear double masks correctly every time they come out.
Children must be given a healthy and nutritious diet, they must exercise and play regularly, “said Senior Doctor Dr.
Niraj Mishra.
In addition to ensuring that children follow the appropriate behavior of Covid, parents must educate their children about hand laundering and social distance.
Children must be taught cough etiquette while sneezing or coughing and their food must be rich in antioxidants and liquids because this helps increase immunity, “said Dr.
Chitta Ranjan Rath, a pediatrician.
Experts also show that nothing has panicked because of the severity and mortality Among children is very low.
In the state of infection between children is 12% of the total infection during the second wave.
“It is natural that the virus will affect everyone, including children.
Otherwise, why do we have a high seroprevalence among children in the fourth round Suro Survey, “said Dr.
E Venkata Rao, professor of the Ministry of Public Medicine at Sum Hospital.
Rao said many parents argue that children must first vaccinate before Sent to school.
“However, data shows that all vaccines available at this time can protect against moderate to severe infections and not mild or asymptomatic cases.
This shows that vaccines cannot protect children from Covid-19 contracts, “he said.
The doctor said children must learn to protect themselves with the help of an active immune system.” Those who have a compromised immune system must be strictly following Covid behavior, “Rao added.

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