Explained: What is the Apple App Apple App Store Policy for iPhone users – News2IN

Explained: What is the Apple App Apple App Store Policy for iPhone users

Explained: What is the Apple App Apple App Store Policy for iPhone users
Written by news2in

Apple ‘anti-trust’ problems with authorities over the world have emerged at any time.
The core problem in the heart has become the App Store and several policies that must be obeyed by the application developer.
Yesterday, Cupertino-based technology giants announced changes to the App store policy.
We explain what new application store policies for users and some of the applications they use.
What is the new App Store policy? Apple has said that the developer of “readers” applications will now be allowed to directly link their customers to their own website registration.
“Updates will enable the developer of the” Reader “application to enter the link in the application to their website for users to manage or manage accounts,” Apple said in a press release.
The reader application is those who provide previously purchased content or content subscriptions for digital magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music and videos.
So Amazon Kindle is a “reader” application.
Or music streaming applications are also a reader application and like many OTT applications such as Netflix and others.
What makes Apple change the App Store policy? In 2016, the Japan Fair trade commission opened an investigation against Apple and the App Store Practice.
Some developers complain about Apple’s rules too tight.
On paper, Apple has said that it has been the result of Japanese investigations but has faced many leaves from many quarters.
For example, Apple requires 30% cutting purchases in the application and many developers are not happy with it.
Apple has tweaked the policy so that some criticism of the App Store died.
When will the new App Store policy come into effect? Beginning 2022 is when changes come into effect.
Apple has said that it will update the guidelines and review processes to ensure the application reader users continue to have safe experience in the App Store.
The company subsequently said that, “When purchasing in the application through the Commerce App Store system remains the safest and most trusted payment method for users, Apple will also help reader application developers protect users when they link them to external websites to make purchases.” What is the meaning of policy new for users? As mentioned above, the policy is only for “readers” applications but they are quite popular.
Let’s take the example of the Amazon Kindle application.
At present, if you want to buy a book in the application, you can’t do it because you have to go to a mobile browser to get a book.
From next year, users will be allowed to directly make a purchase.
Similarly, in many of these reader applications, you are not allowed to register directly and need to go to a cellular browser or site to do it.
With new policies, all of these things will be possible in the application itself.

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