Explained: Why Zomato IPO Created Buzz Among Investors – News2IN
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Explained: Why Zomato IPO Created Buzz Among Investors

Explained: Why Zomato IPO Created Buzz Among Investors
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The initial public offering (IPO) which has been awaited (IPO) Major Zomato is now open to public subscribing from Wednesday.
With this, Zomato will be the first online shipping company and the first Indian Unicorn Startup listed on the stock exchange.
It is hoped that the IPO will increase the value of the Zomato market to $ 9 billion.
The company has chosen a fairly appropriate time to go public with the stock market that experienced a record of demonstrations behind the entry of investors.
In addition, the primary market is also on spree with a record issuance for the first half of this year and a strong IPO already in the pipe for the next round.
This is why it can be a good choice for investing this year’s market: Market Sharezomato’s Business-to-Customer (B2C) offered in the majority consists of two segments – food labor and eating outside.
In the design of the Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP), the company said consistently obtaining a market share for the past four years to lead food delivery rooms in India.
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