Extend the Biz Timing to 8pm, Dist Collector wrote to the Government Government – News2IN

Extend the Biz Timing to 8pm, Dist Collector wrote to the Government Government

Written by news2in

Nagpur: citing a very low weekly (TPR) covid-19 test level, oxygen bed residence and active case, Ravindra Thakary collector has asked the state government to enable the majority of business activities in the district until 4pm exists.
On Friday, the Collector’s Office and Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) issued a notification to implement revised restrictions and relaxation from July 12, Monday.
Commissioner Thakary and the city of Radhakrishnan B have allowed takeaway, parcels, home delivery from the restaurant after 4pm and sports sports starting at 5am to 9am to 9pm.
The decision was taken at the meeting of the Regional Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) held on Friday.
Then, Thakary sent a letter to the Secretary of the Principal of the Disaster Management School, the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Department.
In the letter, Thakary has mentioned that the district TPR last weekend which ended on July 8 was 0.46% while the occupancy of oxygen bed was 0.68% on July 4th.
In the two criteria, the district fell below level 1, the government had placed it below level 3.
Mention complaints from various associations that limit Level 3 inhibit business and economics stating that all members of the DDMA in round voice decided to urge the government to increase 8 o’clock at night.
It also proposes to increase restaurant timings up to 10 nights and request permission to continue public representative meetings with a capacity of 50%.
But he hasn’t asked permission to keep shops and restaurants that are not important on weekends.
The state has directed authorities to look for permission if there is a request to increase relaxation.
In view of the advice of CP Amitesh Kumar, civil heads and collectors have been on July 5 orders issued not to allow takeaway / parcel from the restaurant after 4pm and sports activities after 9am.
The idea of ​​CP is to prevent roaming people in the city after 16:00 and limit the movement of people who are free (not including medical and emergency) after 5 pm.
This order is valid until July 11.
But within a week, the order was revised after a consultation with Kumar.
“This is done because the weekly TPR is lacking and the restaurant business is very affected,” said an official.
Cases There is no communication from the Government or Tharje proposal rejected, importantly, non-essential stores and other activities that are permitted will continue.
4pm even when the district case reported very few cases.

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