Facebook apologizes after AI places a ‘primata’ label on a black man’s video – News2IN

Facebook apologizes after AI places a ‘primata’ label on a black man’s video

Facebook apologizes after AI places a 'primata' label on a black man's video
Written by news2in

Facebook users who recently watched the video from the British tabloid that featured black men saw automatic requests from the social network that asked if they wanted to “continue to see the video about primates,” causing the company to investigate and disable artificial intelligence-powered features.
It pushes the message.
Facebook on Friday apologizes for what is called “unacceptable error” and say it looks into the recommendation feature to “prevent this from happening again.” Video, June 27, 2020, is with a daily letter and clip featuring black men in a fight with white civilians and police officers.
It has no connection with monkeys or primates.
Darci Groves, a former content manager content on Facebook, said a friend recently sent him a screenshot prompt.
He then posted it to the product feedback forum for current Facebook employees and ex.
In response, product managers to watch Facebook, company video services, call it “unacceptable” and say the company “looks into the cause of the root.” Groves said the prompt was “terrible and terrible.” Dani Lever, a Facebook spokesman, said in a statement: “As we have said, while we have made improvements to our AI, we know it’s not perfect, and we have more progress to be made.
We apologize to anyone May have seen this offensive recommendation.
“Google, Amazon and other technology companies have been under supervision for years to bias in their AI system, especially around racial problems.
Research has shown that facial recognition technology is biased to colored skin people and has more difficulty identifying them, which puts incidents where black people have been discriminated against or arrested for computer errors.
In one example in 2015, Google photos are mistakenly labeled images of blacks as “gorillas,” where Google says it “really apologizes” and will immediately fix this problem.
More than two years later, Wired found that Google’s solution was censoring the word “gorilla” from the search, while also blocking “chimpanzees,” “chimpanzees” and “monkeys”.
Facebook has one of the largest repositories in the world of images uploaded users to train facial recognition algorithms and object recognition.
The company, which adjusts content to users based on the search habits and views of the past, sometimes asks people if they want to continue to see posts under the related category.
It is not clear whether a message is like a “primate” someone widespread.
Facebook and Instagram, photo sharing applications, have struggled with other problems related to races.
After the July European Championship in football, for example, three black members of the United Kingdom national football team were harassed on social networks for missing penalties in the championship game.
Racial problems also cause internal disputes on Facebook.
In 2016, CEO Mark Zuckerberg asked employees to stop crossing the phrase “black material” and replace it with “all life material” in the communal room in Menlo Park, California, headquarters.
Hundreds of employees also held a virtual walkout last year to protest the handling of the company from a post from President Donald Trump about the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
The company then hired a vice president of civil rights and released a civil rights audit.
In the annual diversity report in July, Facebook said 4.4% of his employees were based in A.S., up from 3.9% the previous year.
Groves, who left Facebook during the summer after four years, said in an interview that a series of wrong steps in the company suggested that dealing with racial problems was not a priority for its leaders.
“Facebook cannot continue to make this mistake and then say, ‘Sorry,'” he said.

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