Facebook asked Rahul Gandhi to remove the post to the victim of a small rape from Instagram – News2IN

Facebook asked Rahul Gandhi to remove the post to the victim of a small rape from Instagram

Facebook asked Rahul Gandhi to remove the post to the victim of a small rape from Instagram
Written by news2in

New Delhi: As the controversy over Congress leader Rahul Gandhi posting pictures on Twitter family delhi minor girl allegedly raped and murdered still raging, Facebook asked to remove a similar post on Instagram.
In a notice issued to Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday, Facebook said, “Mr.
Gandhi and gentlemen, this correspondence is to follow up on correspondence August 16th where we forward the notice we received from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) on August 10,” Notification goes on to say, “According to the notice of August 10 NCPCR, a post that you upload through your Instagram account that is unlawful under Section 74 of the Act Justice Juvenile, 2015.
Section 23 ACT POCSO, 2012; and Section 288A of the Indian Hidah Code (IPC ).
in accordance with NCPCR note, you are prompted to delete this post quickly.
“NCPCR has issued the first notice to Facebook on August 10.
However, it does not receive a response from Facebook.
Furthermore, NCPCR issued a second notice to Facebook on August 13 with a stern warning and appeared in front of a video-conference.
On August 17th.
It said, “The Commission has recognized the video posted on Instagram profile Shri Rahul Gandhi in which the identity of the victims’ families expressed little girl …
who observed to be violations of the legal provisions prescribed.
The problem is forwarded to Facebook to remove the post and take action against Shri Rahul Instagram profile Gandhi within 3 days.
However, no reports of reply / action taken has been received even after an interval of three days.
“NCPCR told Facebook that sections 13 and 14 of the act CPCR required him to appear live via video conference at 5 pm on August 17 to submit the measures taken and to explain the reason for the delay, NCPCR said, “Please note that if you fail to comply with this order without valid reason, you will experience the consequences of non-attendance are given in rules 10 and 12 of the order XVI of the Civil Procedure Code (CRPC) in 1908.
“However, Facebook mer espons and issued a notice to Rahul Gandhi and asked him to remove the controversial posts.
After the developments in this matter, NCPCR freeing up of appearing before it on Tuesday.
NCPCR is likely to soon issue orders.
NCPCR has issued a notice similar to twitter after Rahul Gandhi handle snaps on August 7th.
Twitter to open after the report appears in the media indicating that the victim’s mother had given permission to Rahul Gandhi to the publication of their photos.
However, on Tuesday, the victim’s mother looks notify the other parts of the media that he did not approve of family photographs published on Twitter.
This issue has taken a new turn since then with the BJP demanded that Twitter should lock Rahul Gandhi’s profile again.

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