Facebook may be exercising analyzing encrypted data without describing it, this is why – News2IN

Facebook may be exercising analyzing encrypted data without describing it, this is why

Facebook may be exercising analyzing encrypted data without describing it, this is why
Written by news2in

End-to-end encryption is said to be a user’s privacy foundation.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular platforms to use end-to-end encryption for user data.
Now, a report has appeared that Facebook – which has WhatsApp – is looking for ways to analyze encrypted user data without truly outlining it.
According to the report with this information, the social media giant works to recruit artificial intelligence researchers to see this problem.
How and why Facebook plans to do this? One of the main reasons is to target advertisements based on encrypted user data, which can then increase company revenue.
The report said that the Facebook special research area was noticed called homomorphic encryption and it was very dependent on mathematics.
What homomorphic encryption is that it allows companies like Facebook to analyze encrypted data without really knowing the contents.
It will also protect user data from cybercriminal and maintain privacy too.
Reportedly, Microsoft, Amazon, Google also worked on this.
Facebook hasn’t clarified anything about this new idea.
However, the company told the existing information “too early for us to consider homomorphic encryption for whatsapp right now.” The plan if realized can help Facebook.
For companies that often find themselves in a shooting line for user privacy, this will provide excellence to show that the user’s privacy remains the most important.
As mentioned earlier, it will help companies in targeted advertising, which is a large source of income.
However, the report stated that it could take a long time for Facebook to effectively utilize homomorphic encryption.

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