Facebook turns off the research of NYU Academics about political advertisements – News2IN

Facebook turns off the research of NYU Academics about political advertisements

Facebook turns off the research of NYU Academics about political advertisements
Written by news2in

Facebook has turned off a personal account of a pair of New York University researchers and closes their investigations into information that is wrongly spread through political advertising on social networks.
Facebook says researchers violate the provisions of its services and are involved in invalid data collection from the massive network.
Academics, however, said the company strives to provide control of research that paints in negative light.
NYU researchers with advertising observatory projects have been for several years looking for a Facebook ad library, where searches can be made on advertisements running on Facebook products.
This access is used to “reveal systemic weaknesses in the Facebook advertising library, to identify incorrect information in political advertising, including many sowing distrust in our election system, and to study clear Facebook amplification of the wrong information,” said Laura Edelson, researcher main.
Behind Cybersecurity NYU for democracy, in a statement.
Facebook actions against the NYU project also cut researchers and other journalists who received access to Facebook data through the project, said Edelson.
Researchers offer Facebook users plug-in web browser tools that allow They volunteered their data that shows how social networks target political advertisements.
But Facebook says browser extensions are programmed to avoid system detection and connect user data, create privacy issues.
In a blog post Tuesday, Facebook says “Unauthorized data erodes with N seriously, and when we find examples of scratches, we investigate and take action to protect our platform.
“Facebook sent a stop and stopped the letter to Edelson and another researcher, Damon McCoy, in October but did not turn off their account until Tuesday, hours after Edelson told the platform that he and McCoy were studying the dissolution deployment of the platform about the platform about the platform 6 attacks In the US Capitol, the researchers said.
Mike Clark, Director of Facebook Product Management, wrote in a blog post that Menlo Park, California, the company welcomed the research that stated responsible but it did not endanger the security of the user’s platform or privacy.
“While the advertising observatory project is possible Insulperate, ongoing and ongoing protection violations of friction cannot be ignored and must be improved, “he wrote.

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