‘Family with 1 flat should not be allowed to have 4-5 cars’ – News2IN
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‘Family with 1 flat should not be allowed to have 4-5 cars’

'Family with 1 flat should not be allowed to have 4-5 cars'
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Expressing sadness due to a lack of uniform policy in Maharashtra over the designated parking space for vehicles, the Bombay High Court said that the authorities should not let residents have many private vehicles if they do not have adequate parking spaces.
A judicial bench in Datta Datta and Justice G S Kulkarni said on Thursday that the authorities “should not allow families only to have one flat to have four or five cars if they do not have enough parking lots” available in their respective housing communities.
The bench is hearing litigation of public interest (pills) submitted by residents and activists of Navi Mumbai Sandeep Thakeep Thakur, challenging government notifications that change the control rules and promotion regulations, allowing developers to reduce the car parking space.
Thakur said in his request that the developer did not provide enough parking spaces in new highrise, thus forcing residents to park outside the premise of the housing community.
“The reduction in the purchase of a new car is needed.
You cannot allow one family to have four to five vehicles only because they can afford it.
You have to check Cross whether they have a parking room or not,” said the High Court.
HC questions the rules that are challenged in pills and say there will be “chaos if the right policy in the vehicle park is not formulated”.
“All roads are flooded with vehicles and everywhere, 30 percent of road spaces are taken with parking on both sides.
This is a general phenomenon,” he said.
“This is a true public problem that must be considered to produce long-term steps so we do not have a chaotic community.
There must be a policy in place.” The High Court directed the state advice Manish Pable to file a reply to the pill in two weeks.

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