Faster recovery, say patients who have covid in the 2nd wave too – News2IN

Faster recovery, say patients who have covid in the 2nd wave too

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Prakash Sharma (52) has a Covid report in his hand.
He has tested positive – for the second time.
He sniffed his hand, he could smell.
Some bites into biscuits, he also did not lose taste.
There is no trouble breathing too.
It’s not like the last time.
Sharma, an employee of a private company, is among many others in the city that has been found to have covid on the next waves.
Both him and his family agreed that even though the virus was more transmitted this time, it was not as very as unlimned with the deadly second wave.
A few days of coughing and body pain, Sharma decided to get himself tested on 4.
Despite light symptoms, he was worried more because he had diabetes.
“My wife was very worried at this time because my oxygen level fell to the last 85 when I tested positive on May 31.
I have to be pushed to the hospital,” Sharma.
Telling Toi, adding that he and his family shivered just thinking about it.
But, it’s different this time.
“Last time, I had to be placed in a ventilator for three days.
But this time, home isolation for a week is enough.
Not like the last time, when I was given a few drugs and high-dose injections, only a few basic tablets were tricked.
Friends And our neighbors reach us with help, “he added.
During many Sharma, the recovery phase after Covid was quite faster and less challenging than the second wave.
Some patients told to say that they had not experienced shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations or joint pain – quite common for patients in a few weeks after recovering in the previous phase.
In the second wave, many patients have viral pneumonia in the lungs, which cause other organs such as the heart, kidneys and brain to witness inflammation.
This lasts for months and slows down the recovery process.
This, in turn, causes anxiety between patients who might be infected again.
Most patients in house isolation take less than seven days to recover in the current wave, according to the doctor.
Aakash Kumar (42), who was tested positively on January 4 after three days of fever, said he had begun to feel better in three days.
“When I have Covid in June, I have to wear oxygen support.
But this time, I just took antibiotics.
My wife, son and daughter were infected too.
We are all in house isolation and spend time together.
Even our neighbors cook food and bring For us.
It is a community effort to win a virus.
I think people are slowly realizing that they have to live with a virus, “Kumar said, a resident of sector 31.” Last time, the infection had an effect on my mental health.
It destroyed me From inside.
“According to officials, almost 95% of patients in the city have recovered despite soaring.
“Yes, people recover faster because the virus does not affect the lungs in the maximum case.
Over time, our team is also experienced in handling home insulation cases,” said Virender Yadav, a head of medical officer.
Although many symptoms are similar to that on previous waves, such as coughing, runny nose, fever, and so on, patients also experience cold and headache this time.
Doctors mostly advise anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol and seven days of house isolation.
“Home isolation is more than enough.
There are no tests or hospitalizations that do not need to be needed if there is mild symptoms.
In the last wave, we note that around 30% have a continuous fever for more than 5-6 days, followed by a lung infection lung, low oxygen level and in some cases, even freezing.
Most of them need appropriate care, such as oxygen domiciliar, hospital admissions both in wards and icus, depending on the severity.
Wise number, more people have been affected today .
But the severity is practically ignored, “said Dr.
Amitabha Ghosh, a senior consultant (internal drug) at Manipal Hospital.

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