Fauci, Paul clashed at the origin of the virus, the trade allegations lie – News2IN

Fauci, Paul clashed at the origin of the virus, the trade allegations lie

Fauci, Paul clashed at the origin of the virus, the trade allegations lie
Written by news2in

Washington: Dr.
Anthony Fauci, an expert of infectious diseases in the country, angry against Kentucky Gop Sen.
Paul’s Rand on Tuesday in a testimony at Capitol Hill, refused to the satire of Paul that the US helped research funds in the Chinese laboratory that could trigger Covid-19.
extraordinary event.
Paul suggested that Fauci had lied before the congress when in May he denied that the National Health Institute funded what was called “ The advantage of function ” ‘practice increasing the virus to study the potential impact in the real world _ in the Wuhan virology lab.
US intelligence agents are currently exploring the theory that unintentional leakage from the lab can cause global pandemics.
“ I haven’t lied before Congress.
I never lie.
Of course not before Congress.
The case was closed, “Fauci told Paul before the health, education, labor and retirement committee of the Senate, said the research of the senators said references were a kind of different viruses completely from those responsible for the outbreak of the Koronavirus.
“ Senator Paul, you don’t know what you are talking about, frankly, “said Fauci.
“ And I want to say it officially.
You don’t know what you are talking about.
“Viruses that cause global pandemics.

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