File Reply to NGT: SC to BMC Head – News2IN

File Reply to NGT: SC to BMC Head

File Reply to NGT: SC to BMC Head
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The Supreme Court has directed Commissioner of the city of Iqbal Singh Chahal to personally submit a written statement before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to show compliance with effective waste demands after treating coastal water pollution.
Commissioner was directed by NGT on July 16 to appear in front of him directly on September 28, but SC released the requirements.
TimesviewCumbai coastline is one of the most polluted in the world and BMC must prioritize environmental problems without trial must encourage it.
The APEX court clearly warns the corporation to show what corrective actions have occurred so far.
Onus is the city commissioner to quickly submit compliance reports.
“The release of untreated waste and waste from Mumbai is a matter of serious concern and needs to be considered with the highest priority.
Environmental protection is a matter of universal concerns.
City corporation and city commissioners must respond to notifications that have been issued by NGT.
At the same time, the way back to The compulsion steps of the city commissioner were not right, especially when the official was involved in Herculean’s efforts to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic to protect the residents of the metropolis, “said the bottom bench Dy Chandrachud and the Justice of Mr.
Shah on Friday.
SC said reasonable time must be given to BMC and civil heads to notify the steps taken.
NGT order has said: “The city commissioner can explain why the coercion steps under the 25 NGT Law, 2010, read with part 51 of the Civil Procedure Code (BPK), may not be taken.” BMC has appealed the NGT order and looked for a stay from SC.
His advice hit Rohatgi said that NGT had passed the order without notice to the Civic body.
There was an appeal before SC opposed the command last October, BMC said.
Some of the help for the City Commissioner, SC ruled: “While waiting for further orders, however, there are no coercion steps to be taken against the city commissioner or city corporation.” SC said, if the corporation did not make efforts with good faith before the full schedule of steps taken and proposed to be taken, “We may be limited to empty remains in the direction (on the coercive steps)” and add that direction “no It may be interpreted as Carte Blanche to the city corporation to continue to violate the norms of prescribed pollution controls “.
SC directs the Commissioner of the city to submit a written statement firmly which shows the steps that must be taken to comply with the direction of NGT, especially regarding the standard of releasing waste and mobilization waste “.” Affidavit will determine the plan of concrete actions for the future, “directed the peak court.

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