Fire broke in the maternity ward of a conscious chatra hospital – News2IN

Fire broke in the maternity ward of a conscious chatra hospital

Written by news2in

Chatra: A broken fire in the maternity ward of the hospital Chatra was aware on Friday morning.
Flames of medicines, syringes, fans and documents.
There was no patient staff or hospital that was injured in the incident, the hospital claimed.
Smoke is noticed in a pregnant ward around 9am.
While at first it was estimated that someone was cooking, this problem was immediately proven after and the hospital staff began to run.
Some patients treated in Ward are also transferred to a safe place.
Extinguisher engine extinguisher called by hospital management and fire caused by control.
However, then it was revealed that there were no fire extinguisher in the ward.
“There were no major injuries reported and the fire was watered quickly.
Short circuits might cause fire.
We assessed the loss,” said the civilian surgeon Dr.
Shyam Nandan Singh.

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