Flash MOB organized in the Nagpur City Mall, students look dancing sans mask – News2IN

Flash MOB organized in the Nagpur City Mall, students look dancing sans mask

Flash MOB organized in the Nagpur City Mall, students look dancing sans mask
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A Flash Mob is organized by children in the city mall on Sunday to spread awareness about social problems, but also causes concerns about compliance with Covid guidelines.
About two dozen young people from different colleges regulate the event and share details about it first through social media.
During the order of flash mob dances, students look without a mask.
Sharing a video dance with Toi, a reader wonders why this is permitted.
To answer those questions, TOI reaches one of the committees whose details are mentioned in social media messages about the event.
Sneha Taori organizer said the mask was taken only for a short time.
“While dancing, it was suffocated to wear a mask.
So only for the brief period, our dancers have released it.
Also, the event ended early because the music was closed due to technical problems,” Taori said.
The youth holding a flash MOB event to raise awareness about some social problems.
“I want to know why no one questioned a large crowd in market places and political meetings.
Soft targets like students were chosen, even though we tried to do something good for the community,” Taori said.
He said permissions had been taken from the Mall authorities, and which was why the whole group they were allowed in the place with the necessary equipment.
Citizens’ perceptions of politicians are given a long rope when it comes to Covid guidelines, not without caution.
Videos of crowded political demonstrations and even public events aired every day, where people do not maintain covid distances and some don’t even wear masks.

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