Flyers of Jammu-Mumbai Indigo Flight ‘hit each other’ – News2IN
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Flyers of Jammu-Mumbai Indigo Flight ‘hit each other’

Flyers of Jammu-Mumbai Indigo Flight 'hit each other'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: On various flights you may have hated passengers right in front or right behind in economy class for reasons such as leaning chairs when you eat or knock on their knees chairs.
This usually leads to arguments or complaints that are heated to the crew.
But Indigo Jammu-Mumbai flights on the second day behind last year saw two passengers – sitting above 3A and 4A – reviewing some problems.
“Both of these passengers at 6E-356 from December 30, 2021, entered the heated argument.
The cabin crew did not succeed in trying to spread the situation.
Passengers at 3A push the co-passengers at 4a and everything came out of control.
They immediately start fighting and hitting each other, “People who know.
The crew then told the pilot-in-command and the 4A passenger seat shifted to 12C.
Sit securely separately, both of them did not fight until the plane reached Mumbai and was handed over to security agents on arrival.
It was not certain why both quarreled.
An indigo spokesman said: “6E-356 flight from Jammu to Mumbai witnessed physical changes between two passengers on board.
The flight crew intervened, separating them and providing first aid for a minor injury.
The two passengers work together and discipline after completion .
The problem is being investigated.
“There are several fights between passengers sitting right in front or back.
About two years ago, Fith-Up passengers on American Eagle flights in the US were famous for punching a woman’s seat in front of her several times to make her put her seat in an upright position.
It still has to be seen if Indigo starts actions under the rules of passengers that are difficult to arrange in both where they can be banned for some time.
The first level of disturbing behavior includes physical movements and verbal harassment.
The next level has “physical rude behavior” and the highest value is for “life-threatening behavior and experiments or violations of the cockpit”.
Passengers charged below the first level can be based on up to three months; Up to six months below the second level and for the third level, the foundation can increase two years without the maximum limit (meaning to life).
For repetitive offenders at the same level, the distribution period can multiply.

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