For top military posts, mod weighty services for seniority – News2IN
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For top military posts, mod weighty services for seniority

For top military posts, mod weighty services for seniority
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In what would be a radical change in promotional policies for the top military general if implemented, the Ministry of Defense was “checking” the proposal ordered by the Head Commander (CS-IN-C) in the Army, the Navy and the IAF must be primarily chosen on achievements than seniority.
With the creation of the upcoming integrated theater command, the proposed objectives are to simultaneously develop policies “more progressive, and progressive” for promotion of officials to third-star (LT-Jenderal in the army, Rear Admiral in the Navy and Air Marshals in IAF) In general and CS-IN-C (senior three stars who head different commands in the armed forces) in particular, say sources.
“The Tri-Service Committee from the Deputy Chairperson of the Army, Navy and IAF is likely to be formed to study the proposal and recommend the appropriate performance-based criteria for the CS-IN-C selection,” said a source.
However, the serious reservation of the proposal was revealed by several quarters in the armed forces.
“Only a handful of officials reached three star rating after being assessed by services at each step in their careers.
Why does Tinker with a policy that has worked well for decades? This called ‘deep selection’ does not need to lead to the top ranking politicization,” said a senior officer.
But supporters of policy changes argue, and not only seniority, must be a determining factor in choosing the top rank as a state country for the commands and organizations of Tri-service theater to build integrated land-water-water-water battle machines.
In accordance with the existing policy, promotion to the C-IN-C level is based on the date of the date of the officer and the Commissioning date is almost four decades ago.
In the army, for example, an officer must have a “residual service” of the remaining 36 months (until he was 60) from the date of his approval as LT-General to order one of 14 corps in style.
Then, after ordering the corps, he must have an 18-month residual service to be promoted as C-in-C of one of six operational command and one training.
The residual service clause for CS-IN-CS in the Navy and IAF is 12 months.
“As a result, with the date of birth, residual service qualifications and commissioning seniority are very important criteria in existing policies, LT-General promotions to automatic C-in-C rankings if there are vacancies,” said an officer, “said officers.
Even though the government had almost always followed the principle of seniority to appoint a new military head except in a few examples, the Government NDA had appointed General Bipin to be the head of the Army in December 2016 by replacing the two senior LT-General to Him.
The deceived gene was then appointed as the Chief of Staff The first defense in the country in December 2019.

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