Four families were killed in the collapse of Guvandi Building – News2IN

Four families were killed in the collapse of Guvandi Building

Four families were killed in the collapse of Guvandi Building
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Four family members, including senior citizens, killed in their sleep after the house of Ground-Plus-two-storey in Shivaji Nagar in Govandi fell early on Friday.
Seven other people from the neighboring structure were injured in an accident too.
The dead included Neha Shaikh (35), Shamshad Shaikh (45), Choice Shaikh (80) and Farin Shaikh (22).
Shaikh has a furniture store on the ground floor structure and they stay upstairs.
They have moved around a year ago.
Officials said that Neha and Temple were declared dead at Rajawadi Hospital, Shamshad was taken, in critical condition and died a few hours later.
Farin’s body was removed from debris a few hours after the accident.
Firefighting officials said they found his body after the first time he saw his dress under the rubble.
Meanwhile, four of the seven injured neighbors were treated at Rajawadi Hospital while three were taken to Sion Hospital.
Irfan Khan, a local, said, “Shaikh stayed in a smaller plot across the location of the tragedy and had moved there just about a year ago.” Some locals said the family had decided to switch to a bigger house because Farin’s wedding was coming.
Civil officials said participating in the tragedy, which occurred around 4.58 in the morning on Friday, seven firefighting machines, one rescue van, an ambulance and two JCB machines rushed to the site.
Officials say houses that collapse higher than a maximum height of 14 feet are permitted for the category of “tolerated and protected structures”.
Senior civilian official Mahindra Ubale from Ward M-East said a notice had been resolved to the property owner because he had extended his high without permission needed.
“The structure is authorized up to 14 feet.
However, the owner has built a warehouse on it and therefore we have served them notices,” Ubale said.
BMC officials said they had sent notices to owners of 300 structures in the area, including houses that fall on Friday.
Civil sources say residents have done some repair work before shifting into the house and when doing it, they have added the floor.
This, Civic sources said, have “overloaded” structures.
“The large water tank is also placed on the terrace by building a room there,” said a citizenship official.
The house was originally built about 10 years ago.
According to the local residents, the Shaikh family has celebrated Eid al-Fitr until Thursday with more than a dozen relatives who have visited their residence.
Watch 4 families killed in the collapse house in Govandi Mumbai

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