Fraud ‘New Online Online Online’ You Must Be Careful – News2IN

Fraud ‘New Online Online Online’ You Must Be Careful

Fraud 'New Online Online Online' You Must Be Careful
Written by news2in

After sending the latest iphone soap instead, scammers are now smarter and have found new ways to cheat online buyers.
You can now receive calls from someone who claims to be an e-commerce shipping executive that asks for money for orders ‘cash on shipping’.
Fraud here is that you might not order goods and shipping executives can submit some random packages and money requests.
You can also get a fake message from the courier company that asks you to save money and pay executive cash for online orders.
Because online shopping boom in India, Scammers hope someone can fall in love because people tend to forget what they have bought online.
This despair of scammers is in such a way that they might even ask for money from neighbors or other family members if you are not at home.
So, if you get a call or message about cash on shipping orders from an unknown or unknown e-commerce company, just ignore it.
Also, always check the application for your purchase history before paying money.
Another version of the same scam involves an SMS that claims that you have pending courier shipping and packages cannot be sent on time because of locking.
Now after the lip because Covid ends, the shipping company will claim to give you a package.
However, to do so, scammers will ask for your personal details and can even charge you small shipping costs also need to be paid online.
The catch here is when you click the link to make a payment for your shipment, internet banking or your credit card details are stolen.
Usually, shipping costs are maintained very less like around Rs 10 to 20, so you want to know to see what packages will come and you immediately pay a fee.

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