Friday Feat: Lucknow exceeds Covid Vaccination Targets – News2IN

Friday Feat: Lucknow exceeds Covid Vaccination Targets

Friday Feat: Lucknow exceeds Covid Vaccination Targets
Written by news2in

Lucknow: Breaking all previous records, daily inoculation surged more than 93,000 on Friday, the day after falling below 9,500 which was the second lowest since the beginning of the mass immunization drive.
93,436 people were affixed to the record of breaking records, part of the mega drive throughout the state.
The figure not only exceeded the target of 83,000 inoculation set for that day, but also the highest above.
About 66% of those who were vaccinated in Lucknow were the first dose recipients, while the rest completed their courses by taking the second dose.
About 49% of the recipients are in the category of 18-44 years old, 37% in the age group of 45-59 years and 14% of the elderly.
This exercise was carried out in 178 centers, including 30 private centers, in Lucknow.
148 Government help centers include 65 special camps held in residential areas, schools, offices and places of worship.
These special camps function as a driving force for Friday’s initiative.
Although people from all levels of society they benefit from this initiative, drives, especially residents of slums, vendors and people who live in the interior area.
“The cessation is very large so some centers run out of stock at 1pm,” said senior health workers to TI.
While Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr.
Manoj Agrawal said that the enthusiasm seen among people on Friday showed that the current doubt factors ended, Dr.
MM Singh’s immunization officer told that there were no cases of adverse side effects which was reported until late at night.
A Toi Reality Check in more than three dozen centers found residents standing in Beelines outside the camp since early day, challenging hot and hot conditions.
Density, lack of protocols and covid safety chaos also reported from several centers, while people without masks in many places.
The Covid protocol was rejected at the vaccination center in the modern school room Aliganjservation to monitor the side effects of vaccination posts not in several places.
Authorities introduce a token system in several places in accordance with the availability of doses to maintain discipline.
About 1,250 is inoculated in Gurudwara Naka, the highest among special camps.
Abhishek District Judge Prakash also visited several camps to take stock.
Friday inoculation took the number of doses given in Lucknow to more than 26 lakh, the highest in the state.
With this, more than 13 lakh people in the capital country have taken at least one shot and 6.8 lakh has been fully vaccinated with two doses.
The population of the district adults is around 36 lakh.
Bulk vaccination campaign began on January 16.
Vaccination was the lowest one day on June 30 when 4,500 people were inoculated.
The most, 80,412, inoculation was carried out on August 16, the record was beaten on Friday.
(With the Pragati Shukla input, Kritika Mathur and Ayushi Mishra) Only 25 active cases: Covid-19 cases are active in the city down to 25 on Friday.
Only one new case reported in the last 24 hours, while three patients recovered.
The number of patients with the lowest active infection in 15 months.

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