Friendship for decades through the lens – News2IN

Friendship for decades through the lens

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: ‘Narapidana’ Unique film evolving from friendship for decades has now been respected by the Universal Recording Forum.
The film came true because of the joint efforts of 32 friends who met at Mar Ivanios College in 1980.
Sitting in 23 different countries batch 1980-82 became an actor and crew member to make this film during the pandemic period.
This film has been recognized by a universal record forum for unique concepts and creative methods.
The idea of ​​’prisoners’ emerged during the zoom meeting carried out by a batch pair because most of them live in various parts of the world.
When the idea appeared during a zoom meeting, everything, even though it was now in my 50s, thinking of experimenting in the film by filming themselves.
“It was as long as gathering from our batch through a zoom meeting that I discussed the idea of ​​making a movie.
Everyone agreed and most of them bought a new camera for the filmmaking process.
The shooting was carried out in 23 countries where ‘actors’ are currently resolved.
This film is mainly Includes a single shot, “said Baiju Thomas, director of the film, and one of 32 friends.
“We face several challenges, including canceling certain scenes until they become satisfactory.
The other problem we face is about the tape, some of them are shot horizontally and while others are vertical format.
Therefore it becomes difficult when editing the recording of 90 hours it becomes a film 1 hour 55 minutes, “said Baijiu Thomas.
The actors themselves are technicians and make other makeup and artwork with the help of their family members.
This is the main reason behind the recognition of the Universal Recording Forum, he added.
The film was released on the OTT platform in October 1.
It took four months to complete the shooting.
“I am very happy to be part of this,” said Sreejith Srinivas, the principal of associative.

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