Gambu has many benefits but it’s not a covid-19 drug: a doctor – News2IN

Gambu has many benefits but it’s not a covid-19 drug: a doctor

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Sharp omicron wave charts towards the north in Vidarbha and patients are detected in almost every other household, like that in the second wave.
Thanks to the vaccination and characteristics of the omicron variant, this disease is not too serious in most patients.
Because most of them recover in home isolation, household solutions such as gargling with lukewarm salt water and inhalation steam again take the central stage.
TOI spoke to several residents who had been gargling every day for years, and doctor experts about how effective this activity was against Covid-19.
Prabhakar Patthe from Malaiviya Nagar said he had started his day gargling with lukewarm water for 66 years.
“It’s part of my routine and I feel good after doing it.
I don’t claim to have protected me from Covid-19, but I have never had an infection in the last two waves,” he said.
Many people consider the garter and inhalation as traditional Ayurvedic therapy.
Vaidya Swanand Joshi, who practices ‘Pure Ayurveda’ explains to TOI.
“There are two methods of gargling in Ayurveda.
‘Kawal’ means less than a mouthmate and ‘Gandush’ means a mouthful of oil, ‘kwath’ (cooking water) or water.
According to Ayurveda, gartered helps strengthen teeth, increases the taste and sound quality, maintains Lip moisture, and keeping the internal cheeks healthy, “he said.
Joshi added, “Gambat is prescribed in certain diseases in the oral cavity, throat, nose, ears, and cough – cold.
It can be done every day.
It’s healthy but no one claims it helps stop Covid-19.” Dr.
Infectious Disease Specialist Nitin Shinde said it was gargling against a bad breath and had nothing to do with Covid-19.
“Studies are carried out throughout the world and it is found that salt water does not show a significant reduction in the virus titers.
I did not oppose rinse practices, but there was no point in connecting it to Covid-19,” he said.
With omicron cases increase, many people have started steam inhalation therapy to protect themselves.
“Inhalation of steam helps maintain better breathing health.
Strong respiratory systems can protect damage from Covid-19.
But this is not the ultimate drug,” said Pulmonological Dr.
Ashok Arbat.
He added, “If you have symptoms, meet your doctor and test.
General treatment and effective symptomatic treatment in most patients in this wave.
Only senior citizens with co-morbid conditions, especially people who are not vaccinated, need special care.” Habits healthy rinse in strengthening teeth, increasing the sense of perception and sound quality, maintaining inhalation lip moisture 2 drops of ghee / oil in both nostrils can be done with dailyinhalation steam must be avoided in conditions such as dry nose, dry cough and nasal bleeding tendency in other conditions, inhalation It should not be done every day or for a longer period it is a healthy habit but if you get Covid-19 symptoms, don’t waste time and meet a doctor

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