Gang Interstate Thief Cellphone Damaged, Three Arrested – News2IN

Gang Interstate Thief Cellphone Damaged, Three Arrested

Written by news2in

Kanpur: The police have broken the Interstate cellular gang that used to travel from Jharkhand and commit crimes in the industrial city.
The SWAT team led by DCP South has arrested three gang members.
Among them one is an underage child.
On their tip-off, the police have restored 102 stolen phones.
The police have initiated an investigation in this case looking for thieves, when on Tuesday night, people add little thieves who after stealing cellphones from one aparna Mishra tried to escape in the vegetable market area.
When the police interrogated him, he said that he was a native of Jharkhand, the official said the official.
“During his further investigation, he revealed the names of his two studies.
Minor thieves along with two other people from his aides (from Jharkhand), live in rented accommodation.
They all have told the owner that they are a daily bet,” he said.
“About 102 cellphones recover from the room where they live in rent,” said DCP.

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