Gangster who shot a little girl to make a video killed – News2IN

Gangster who shot a little girl to make a video killed

Gangster who shot a little girl to make a video killed
Written by news2in

Gorakhpur: Wanted Gangster Vijay Prajapati was shot dead in a meeting with Gorakhpur police at Wee Friday.
Giving cash prizes of RS 1 Lakh, Vijay has shot a 16-year-old girl who is dead, Kajal Singh, in Gorakhpur last month.
The resident of Gaga Locality in Gorakhpur, Vijay has a dispute with Rajeev Nayan, an employee of the district court.
On August 20, Vijay along with four servants reached Rajeev’s house and began to attack him.
‘Hunting for the aide NAB Gangster’ when the daughter of Teen Rajeev, Kajal tried to catch an attack on her cellphone, Vijay shot her.
He rushed to Kgmu Lucknow where he died on August 25.
The incident pushed the police to launch a big hunt for Vijay.
With at least eight cases of murder, booty and extortion delayed to him since 2018, Vijay went to underground with his colleagues.
“At least a dozen the police team was pressed to the service to arrest him.
We got a tip-off of his movements but he constantly changed his hiding,” said ADG Gorakhpur Zone Akhil Kumar, who monitored the police action against Vijay.
SSS Gorakhpur Vipin Tada said during a routine inspection of vehicles in early Friday, the police tried to intercept two people with motorbikes.
“The duo tried to escape and when the police chased them, they opened fire.
The police called backup power and fired a shot on the criminal,” SSP said.
An abuse, who was later identified as Vijay, suffered a gunshot wound while his colleagues managed to escape.
What was injured was brought to Gaga CHC where the doctor said he died.
The police are now looking for Associate Vijay who managed to escape.

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