Gasoline prices near Rs 100 per liter in Delhi – News2IN

Gasoline prices near Rs 100 per liter in Delhi

Gasoline prices near Rs 100 per liter in Delhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The increase in fuel prices recently took gasoline and diesel levels to Rs 99.86 and Rs 89.36 per liter in Delhi on Monday.
After the price increase, one liter of gasoline in Mumbai was sold at Rs 105.92 per liter today while the diesel fee was Rs 96.91 per liter.
In Kolkata, gasoline and diesel sold at Rs 99.94 and Rs 92.27 per liter each.
Rates have increased throughout the country and different from countries to the state depending on the incidence of value added tax.
The price of fuel continues to soar throughout the country and has passed RS 100 in many countries.

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