Getting ‘Indira is India’ to understand no two Indias: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to Rahul Gandhi – News2IN

Getting ‘Indira is India’ to understand no two Indias: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to Rahul Gandhi

Getting 'Indira is India' to understand no two Indias: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to Rahul Gandhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Minister of the Minority Field of Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Thursday told Congress and the government led by the party before 2014, said they had to get out of “Indira was the belief that there were no two Indians.
Speaking on behalf of BJP during a sustainable discussion of the address of the address President, Naqvi said, “We need to get out of India’s drunkenness is India and India are countries and countries are Congress”.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday, criticizing the address of the President who marked the beginning of the parliamentary budget session, said the speech did not have a strategic vision and does not touch the main challenge faced by our country today including a gap that grows between very rich and poor in this country.
Naqvi also told the house that the PM Modi-LED government has ended the rules of “cutting, commission, family politics, article 370 of Jammu and Kashmir, and bring citizenship amendment laws to protect People who are persecuted religiously “.
BJP leader said there were two Indians; One of them is from Sanatani or thoughts and others from Samantan or Feodal.
Listing 28 Changes by the Modi PM Government, Naqvi talks about how the situation has changed since 2014 and the decision of cutting, the Commission has been stopped completely.
In the Modi government, Naqvi said “the country’s politics was not decided on the basis of family political remnants, and now based on the hard work of eligible people.” The Modi government ended the culture of red beacons and political power, said Naqvi, added “We also destroyed political appeasies.” After becoming prime minister, Narendra Modi made the laws needed and moved them where the rules were not framed and this lied for years without any use, he added.
The minister said a total of 1,500 laws that were not used were revoked.
Naqvi further said the “week of riots” and “terrorist explosion months” had ended, and “We answered to neighboring countries by carrying out surgical attacks on their terrorist activities”.
Referring to the premiere statement of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi sent by the Central Government of Delhi did not reach people in their original form, the minister said that this scenario has now changed and people accept what the central government has been sent.
Noting that there was time when the Supreme Court’s decision was given ineffective, Naqvi said, “The government took steps to make the Supreme Court’s decision on Triple Talaq effectively and caused the law to protect the rights of Muslim women.” Naqvi also mentioned how the government eliminated Article 370 of Jammu and Kashmir, said that the law that cut the state of the country’s development flow was removed.
By passing the citizenship law (amendment), 2019, Naqvi said, “The Modi government gives citizenship rights to people being persecuted on the basis of religion and citizenship to six non-Muslim non-Muslim communities from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who enter India In or previously December 31, 2014.
“The Minister also added that CAA helped bring a minority of Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the country.
CAA was passed by parliament on December 11, 2019 and the law was notified within 24 hours on December 12.
CAA released members of six communities from any criminal case under foreign law, 1920 and passport law, 1920.

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