Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: British women testify about being forced to give a massage to Epstein – News2IN

Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: British women testify about being forced to give a massage to Epstein

Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: British women testify about being forced to give a massage to Epstein
Written by news2in

New York: A British woman testified Monday that Ghislaine Maxwell pressed him to give Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual massage when he was a teenager, convincing him that he would have “fun” with him.
The woman, testifying in the trial of Maxwell’s sex abuse in New York City used the pseudonym “Kate” to protect her privacy, explaining one episode during the mid-1990s at Palm Epstein beach, Florida Estate where Maxwell left schoolgirl clothes with pleated skirt for him to use for investors.
“I thought it would be fun for you to take Jeffrey the tea in this clothes,” the witness remembered Maxwell told him.
After a sexual meeting that followed, the British socialit “asked me whether I had fun” and told him, “You’re a good girl,” he said.
The witness was the second woman to bring a witness against Maxwell in the Federal Court in Manhattan.
But unlike the first, he was at the age of approval in the United Kingdom and the United States during sexual contact with Epstein, so the judge involved him from specifying certain sex acts.
Maxwell, 59, has denied the allegations he prepared Semahese girls 14 for Epstein who committed suicide in prison in 2019.
His lawyer said that the government made him become a scapegoat for the alleged sex crime of Epstein.
The woman who testified on Monday said she met Maxwell at the age of 17 through her friend she was dating and left, and wanted to be friends with British socialite.
Maxwell notifies his epstein, then his girlfriend, is a generous who can help him with a singing career, he said.
Maxwell also told him that Epstein “demanded” when he arrived at the sexual massage, said it was “very difficult to follow” with his needs, the witness said.
After agreeing to give him a massage in London, he then flew on a commercial flight to Florida, where he said the interaction continued when he was 18 years old.
He remembered that the first time he saw Epstein naked, Maxwell stood right next to him.
“I remember very clearly because I was scared and frozen,” he said.
Instead, Maxwell’s attitude “almost like a school child”, he said.
“Everything is fun.
Everything looks like a fun and ridiculous joke.” He said he refused “releasing” from Maxwell and Epstein “because I had witnessed how connected they were both and I was afraid”.
Asked about wanting to testify anonymously, he said, “I have a large number of insults and shame around the events that occur” and want to protect their children from knowing details.
On a cross examination, a lawyer for Maxwell got a witness to recognize the examples in which he had spoken in public about Epstein and Maxwell using his real name.
Lawyers also asked whether the history of drug abuse and alcohol affected his memory.
“It hasn’t had an impact on the memory that I always have,” he said.
The jury also saw the bank report on Monday showing that between 1999 and 2007, around $ 30 million was transferred from the Epstein account to Maxwell people.
About $ 7 million used in helicopter purchases, notes show.

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