Glass Wall Ring Building Kneel Kneel Letter for Recording Starlings – News2IN

Glass Wall Ring Building Kneel Kneel Letter for Recording Starlings

Glass Wall Ring Building Kneel Kneel Letter for Recording Starlings
Written by news2in

Letter: In the tragic incident, a group of Eastern European migration species, The Rosy Starling (Pastor Roseus), crashed into a glass building that led to the death of 27 birds.
While almost 10 have flown away, the carcass of unlucky winged visitors was restored from the point in the Co-op district letter, where they hit a reflective outer glass wall and might mislead Flock flight paths.
The incident has surprised many researchers in the area, including experienced people who claim this is the first in their knowledge in city history.
“I can’t remember such events in India, but the birds are dying after hitting glass buildings or windows reported in high amounts in foreign countries,” said Dr.
P Pramod, senior scientist, ornitological center and natural history, coimbatore.
Pramod, who conducted his doctoral studies at IISC, Bangalore, said, “The glass building has become a threat to birds, especially species of migration.
They are confused when they see the sky in reflective glass.
Letters are located on Rosy Starlings and birds migration roads must stay in the city for several days.
“” This is a unfortunate incident and we will ensure that it is not repeated.
This is an Eastern European bird that migrates to India during the winter.
I came across such an event for the first time, “said Puneet Nayyar, a forest conservator, letter.

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