Go Gig Goa Comedian Munawar Faruqui Nixed – News2IN

Go Gig Goa Comedian Munawar Faruqui Nixed

Go Gig Goa Comedian Munawar Faruqui Nixed
Written by news2in

PANAJI: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (Hj) Goa Convener Manoj Solanki said on Saturday that a mall in the state had canceled the show scheduled by Comedian Munawar Faruqui.
Earlier this month, Samiti has submitted a complaint with the additional collector of North Goa and Mal Management against the show.
Solanki said Samiti had requested the cancellation of the show scheduled for November 15, stating that Faruqui had history “made comment insulting towards gods and Hindu culture”.
“Mall management has told HJ that the program was canceled,” Solanki said.
The show ‘Dongri everywhere’ Faruqui is scheduled for Monday at 19:30, and tickets to be provided on the application.

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