Goa: Because flooding recedes, animal savings receive a series of calls – News2IN

Goa: Because flooding recedes, animal savings receive a series of calls

Goa: Because flooding recedes, animal savings receive a series of calls
Written by news2in

By- Durgashri Sardeshpandeold Goa: Not only humans need rescue during and after the worst floods to hit the country in 40 years.
Animal rescue forces (ARS) are stored on the toes by calling to save all types of animals to turtles, crocodiles and rice fields with four babies.
Within two days after the flood hit, his team had saved 32 animals, said an animal welfare organization.
Deluged damages the house and wall, displacing humans and animals.
The worst affected is livestock.
Nearly 150 cows died due to a sudden increase in water surfaces in Nanus Gaushala.
Floods also change the habitat and demographics of several marine animals.
“Even during heavy rains ahead of the floods, we received two-three rescue calls every day.
But, last Saturday, the call continued to flow.
In Vaghurme, villagers saw four five crocodiles around Shantadurga Temple.
But with submerged streets and several bridges Small broken, we cannot reach the area.
However, we can save 15 animals in other areas on a flood day and about 10 days later, “said Charan Desai from Ars.
The lack of resources is a big challenge because the drowned roads and rescue team do not have canoes to reach those in need.
“We never thought of training our rescue for a flood scenario.
But now our high time is doing this,” Desai said.
Most saved snakes are stuck high in homes because of the increase in water surfaces and must be saved using stairs.
Others are trapped in dirt.
“There are some cases where we can’t save animals.
We are voluntary work, so we don’t have a lot of resources.
That’s why it’s impossible to achieve everywhere in time,” Desai said.

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