Goa: Calangute MLA & Minster Lobo twice to stop BJP, join Congress – News2IN

Goa: Calangute MLA & Minster Lobo twice to stop BJP, join Congress

Goa: Calangute MLA & Minster Lobo twice to stop BJP, join Congress
Written by news2in

Panaji: On a big jolt to BJP, Calangute MLA and the Minister of Science and Technology Michael Lobo will join Congress on Monday.
“I will quit the BJP’s main membership and also as MLA on Monday morning and will join the congress at night,” Lobo told Ti on Sunday night.
Lobo will be the third MLA of the minority community to resign from BJP, reducing its strength to 24 MLA.
Lobo moves will provide a new lease congress at Bardez Taluka, because he has an influence not only in his election but also in the constituency of neighboring Saligao, Siolim and Mapala.
He had begun to campaigned for his wife and Delilah Parpanch in the Siolim constituency, while BJP had explained that it would provide a ticket to the former Minister of Dayand Mandrekar.
On Sunday, the lobo launched a kedar campaign rise, the possibility of Congress candidates from Saligao, which was once represented by him as a member of Zilla Panchayat.
He also expressed support for Mapusa Congress candidates, Sudhir Kandolkar.
At present, BJP has four MLA from Bardez Taluka, but the lobo has emitted the belief that he will secure six out of seven seats in Bardez.
Over the past few months, Lobo has openly criticized the Pramod government of Sawant-LED.
The difference between the lobo with BJP began after the party cut his wings after the post-Zilla Panchayat election where he managed to get most of his elected candidate.
With the lobo who fought the government, Goa BJP responsible for Devendra Fadnavis rushed to the Lobo residence in September to calm him down not to quit the party.
Since then, BJP has had several rounds of meetings with Lobo to convince him to stay at a party.
Recently, too, Fadnavis and C T Ravi have asked Lobo to work to choose BJP candidates in the constituency of Mapusa and Saligao.
The party has even stepped into all Lobo meetings with the minister of house Amit Shah in Delhi, where he believes that he will be given a greater responsibility in Bardez.
With the lobo out of BJP, the political equation in Bardez is expected to change and help Congress get a strong footing.
Bardez-Kompromasi Tivim, Mapusa, Siolim, Calangute, Saligao, Aldona and Porvorim – are the second largest taluka with seven assembly constituents after the Salcete, which has eight assembly constituencies.
In 2012, BJP has swept Bardez to win six of the seven seats, but can secure only three in the 2017 election.
BJP recently sparked Rohan Khaunte, which is an independent MLA from Porvorim, and Jayesh Salgaonkar, a cave party of Goa Mla from Saligao.
Both are expected to oppose February 14 elections on BJP tickets.
“The entry of the lobo can change the narrative there (in Bardez).
It seems that the lobo is expected to take care of the area.
BJP will be on the back side,” said political observer Cleofato Coutinho.
Coutinho said when a minister shifted to the opposition camp, it helped in creating a buzz that supported the opposition.
“This will help improve the sagging image (Congress) in the area.
Even though it will carve Fiefdom to lobo and make another satrap, it will increase the Congress campaign,” said Counthho.

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