Goa: Congress to compile blockers from next week – News2IN

Goa: Congress to compile blockers from next week

Goa: Congress to compile blockers from next week
Written by news2in

PANAJI: Congress will begin to compile 40 blocks in the country next week and hope to complete the improvement of all blocks within 20 days, said President of the State of President Girish Chodankar on Saturday.
Chodankar said that active members of each block will be given preferences, while inactive party members will not be allowed to participate in block consultations and decision making.
The day after all the Indian Congress Committee (AICC) dispersed all block committees and district congress committees, Chodankar said that most of the president of active blocks and vocals in taking the BJP state LED government.
“We will immediately appoint the president of a block with a group of five-block president at the same time.
Most of the president of the block who already has a full and active room committee, will be chosen,” Chodankar said.
Chodankar said that AICC observer and Dinesh Gundu Rao Gundu Rao would oversee the process to overhaul the block to be completed in 20 days.
“The majority of the presidential blocks are active, they are part of our agitation.
They are people who raised problems in blocks for three, four years ago.
They are vocal and they built a party,” Chodankar said after leading the protest against the central national monetization pipeline.
The President of the State Congress expects the party to win more than 26 seats in the election of the State Assembly with BJP to win only six to seven constituencies.
While the party works to increase its membership, Chodankar seems to show that the party will categorize workers to primary and active members.
“Along with digital membership, we started active membership.
Each block is expected to have 300 active members.
A big boost will be given to consult with 300 block workers on each major political decision.
Inactive members will not be allowed to sit for block meetings,” said Chodankar.
The State Government denied Congress permits for Sakhali Yatra with 10,000 workers: The government has rejected the application by Congress to hold Bhumiputra Yatra on Sunday in Sakhali with 10,000 workers.
Deputy collector Bicholim has asked Congress to limit the number of workers to 100, whose party refused to do so.
Congress aims to regulate the rally after Ganesh Chaturthi with 10,000 workers after creating a new application.
“The chairman of the Minister of Fear Pramod Sawant denied permission to hold a 10,000 bhumiputras rally,” said Khemlo Sawant official Congress.
President of the State Party President Chodankar accused the state government of multiple standards, saying, “BJP was allowed to hold a demonstration with nearly 5,000 people while Congress was asked to limit 100 workers

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