Goa: Encourage in the legal status of prisoners in the rules of the new prison – News2IN

Goa: Encourage in the legal status of prisoners in the rules of the new prison

Goa: Encourage in the legal status of prisoners in the rules of the new prison
Written by news2in

Panaji: Newly framed prisons set stress on institutional resource diversification to meet detention differential requirements in terms of detention and correction.
Age, gender, legal status of detainees, crime properties, length of penalties, security requirements, health conditions and correctional methods need to be considered when segmented prisoners at home corrections according to new rules.
They also determine the type of separate institutional facility for various categories of prisoners.
For example, they determined that undistrials and detainees were submitted in separate attachments, far from prisoners punished.
A senior official in Colvale Central prison said they maintain detention in a separate environment or attachment.
Male and female prisoners and those who undergo sentences for violations under narcotics and psychotropic laws (NDPS) acts separately.
“Every prisoner who is a problem maker is also isolated.
However, the rules of the new prison are more specific,” the official said.
Under new rules, prisoners are at high risk or customary violators must be stored on a separate page or attachment.
The government has also been assigned to the introduction of open prisons, semi-open prisons, and open colonies and camps.
Prisoners who are substance perpetrators and those who suffer from infectious diseases must also be stored on several meters.
The state government further must establish a mechanism for the classification of detainees to be placed in various types of institutions and put procedures that must be followed.
It must include facilities for education, vocational training and skills development programs and cultural activities, sports activities, libraries, and recreation, both indoor and outdoor.
Apart from several prison classifications for various categories of detainees, the new rules determined that there should be three types of prisons: central prisons, district prisons and temporary or special prisons to handle situations that arise.
The government can, from time to time, in its discretion, declare prison to become a central prison, district prison, or special prison / while anywhere.
There are also provisions to install CCTV cameras in prisoners, recordings that must be saved for a month.
While Colvale Central Jail does not yet have this facility, the official said they were in the process of installing cameras and work expected to end soon.

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