Goa: MLAS approaches the Head of Secretary of Parimal Rai for the GMC vendor – News2IN

Goa: MLAS approaches the Head of Secretary of Parimal Rai for the GMC vendor

Goa: MLAS approaches the Head of Secretary of Parimal Rai for the GMC vendor
Written by news2in

Panaji: St.
Andre Mla Francisco Silveira and St Cruz Mla Antonio Fernandes held a meeting with the Head of Secretary of Parimal Rai on Tuesday to discuss the rehabilitation of kiosk operators and fruit vendors operating outside the Goa Medical College (GMC) before they were issued a week ago.
, Fernandes said they had proposed a plan to the Secretary of the Chief who showed how 15 fruit vendors and 39 kiosks could be accommodated.
“CS will do the area inspection.
We need to rehabilitate them for humanity,” Fernandes said even when he admitted that they had operated illegally.
Fruit vendors, however, have returned to business outside GMC.
Most of the fruit vendors and kiosk owners come from St Andre or St Cruz.
Fernandes said CM had convinced them that the operator would be given room to do their business.
Because it is not feasible to allow them to operate from their old regions, Fernandes said that he had suggested that it could be done by changing hospital compounds.
“If the portion of the wall shifts inside the hospital place, it will make enough space available for the installation of the kiosk.
I have given a picture to the government,” he said.
It is not known whether the hospital administration supports the suggestion.
The area directly inside a compound wall is used for parking, but not enough and many park vehicles outside the complex.
While at first some kiosks were permitted – Five kiosks under the Deen Dayal scheme – the number rose for years, and while the GMC administration tried to remove it, it failed because they had thanks to pancires and politicians.
The latter saw it as an opportunity for their constituents to get livelihoods.

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