Goa: Municipal Council Margao hasn’t cracked solutions for Sonsoddo – News2IN

Goa: Municipal Council Margao hasn’t cracked solutions for Sonsoddo

Margao: Six weeks After the Cave Government Polution Board (GSPCB) provides a gloomy prognosis of the Sonsoddo waste processing plant while advising the Municipal Margao (MMC) council to get his actions together, there has been no change in the ground.
Even worse, without adequate space to dispose of incoming daily waste, the garbage truck often has to return without reducing waste.
In PowerPoint presentation to MMC Board Members on July 3, Environmental Engineer Sanjeev Jogcekar said that while setting 50TPD (tons per day) The capacity of biomashoddo factories in Sonsoddo is the ultimate solution for the triplication of solid waste management, handling outsourcing entering wet waste to a private agency will help things as a short-term size.
Head of MMC officer Agnelo Fernandes, when contacted, said he had written to the City Administration Directorate (DMA) for the provision of approval to invite expression of interests for both proposals.
“I’m waiting for a reply from DMA.
After we get approval, we will begin the process of inviting an expression of interest from interested agents,” Fernandes said.
At the council meeting held last month, Fernandes has explained to the board members the steps that need to be taken by the MMC to save the situation in Sonsoddo as suggested by GSPCB, and the Council’s nod is obtained for twin proposals.
Even though the municipal trucks raised garbage every day, the inadequate space in the Sonsoddo waste yard worsened the situation because trucks were forced to wait without stopping until the room was sufficiently made to reduce waste.
It often produces garbage lying in many places.
In the presentation, GSPCB has shown that at the current speed and method of wet waste treatment in Sonsoddo, it can only lead to the creation of other mountain mountain residues, thus canceling all efforts to clean the inheritance dump.
Corporation management of cave waste is currently entrusted with the dump bioremediation of inheritance waste dump in Sonsoddo, a training that is currently stopped by the monsoon.
Because Fomento Green came out of Sonsoddo after the termination of his contract with MMC, the Civic body had handled its own waste treatment plant using the compost windrows method.

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