Goods worth RS 50L extinguish the fire at the e-scooter factory – News2IN

Goods worth RS 50L extinguish the fire at the e-scooter factory

Goods worth RS 50L extinguish the fire at the e-scooter factory
Written by news2in

Jaipur: a large fire broke out inside the electric scooter workshop on Wednesday afternoon in the Sudarshanpura industrial area near 22 Godam.
Items worth RS 50 Lakh were destroyed on fire, said a senior fire official.
In accordance with the fire department, Rajendra Nagar, the fire began at around 12:50 a night and a team of 40 firefighters and 20 fire tenders was pressed into the service to load the flame that towered above.
Nagar said that electric scooters gathered in the workshop before being sent to the distributor.
The firefighting team made their way through wrapping thick smoke and managed to save around 120 vehicles stored in the combustion workshop.
A thick black smoke feather has swallowed all areas where more than a dozen workshops and small and small factories are located.
Blaze raises a great risk of sweeping adjacent factories, Nagar said that his team quickly managed to load fire before it could trigger a big accident.
“We use all fire tenders at our disposal and control the fire before being able to sweep another place,” said Nagar.
The right reason that triggers the fire has not been determined, however, the officers do not rule out the possibility of some electrical damage that leads to the fire.
The factory owner estimates the total loss of around Rs 50 Lakh, firefighters, however, said that many eclectic scooters were saved after timely action.
The incident triggered a panic wave in the area where some workers were evacuated from the closest units and many people gathered on the main road.
The police must disperse the crowd so that the fire tender can hurry on time.

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