Google Doodle urges people to ‘vaccinate, use masks’ – News2IN

Google Doodle urges people to ‘vaccinate, use masks’

Google Doodle urges people to 'vaccinate, use masks'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Google on Monday featuring an animated doodle on its website to once again encourage people to get vaccinated and wear a face mask in the middle of Covid case.
“Get vaccinated.
Wear a mask.
Save lives,” Reading the information page Google Doodle.
Doodle also been linked with a search page that directs users to the latest information about Covid-19 and also shows the results on how to find the nearest vaccination center.
All the letters of the word Google was wearing a mask.
Post said Google, there are four bottles of vaccination are kept on the table.
Google’s last letter of the word ‘e’ memvakinasi letter (L) in front of him.
All letters do a jig jig cheer.
Floating hearts also appear also on the screen.
Corresponding details are available on the website Google Doodle, Doodle appeared in India and Canada, Italy, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean.
There is also a share button to allow users to share this important message through Facebook, Twitter or by mail.

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