Google generates more money from searches, youtube from before – News2IN

Google generates more money from searches, youtube from before

Google generates more money from searches, youtube from before
Written by news2in

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, has posted several impressive quarterly numbers.
Announced its quarterly results, Alphabet sets the recording income of all time of $ 61.9 billion for the quarter.
Not only that, the company posted a profit record – $ 18.5 billion – for the fourth quarter in a row.
Sundar Pichai, Google CEO and Alphabet, said: “In Q2, there are waves of online activities in many parts of the world, and we are proud that our services help so many consumers and businesses.
Our long-term investment in AI and Google Cloud helps us encourage an increase Significant in everyone’s digital experience.
“While AI and Google Cloud have driven repairs, when it comes to Moolah, this is Google Search and YouTube.
In accordance with quarterly results, Google Search contributed $ 35.8 billion in income for the company.
Compared to last year, revenue from Google searches rose $ 14 billion.
In the last quarter, Google search has collected $ 31 billion, which showed an increase of $ 4 billion in this quarter.
Revenue from YouTube advertising is also ready for Google.
Last year, it reached $ 3.8 billion but has now doubled more than $ 7 billion.
Compared to the previous quarter, Youtube advertising revenue rose $ 1 billion for the company.
Google also said that Shorts Youtube – rivals Tiktok from the company – has done it very well.
According to the company, Youtube shorts saw 15 billion daily views, compared with 6.5 billion in March.
“Our strong quarter revenue of $ 61.9 billion reflects the increase in consumer online activities and broad-based power in advertiser expenditors.
Again, we benefit from excellent executions throughout the board by our team,” Ruth Porat, CFO said from Google and the alphabet.

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