Google meets to find out when your device causes echo: tips on how to fix it – News2IN

Google meets to find out when your device causes echo: tips on how to fix it

Google meets to find out when your device causes echo: tips on how to fix it
Written by news2in

Echo is one of the most common problems during video calls.
Now, Google has come up with a solution for it.
It has added new capabilities to meet Google where it will notify the user if the echo is detected from a system.
It will also provide tips on how to stop the echo.
Echo can occur when the device sends back audio to the call.
Google Meet will tell you about the famous echo with a red dot on the button more options and text notifications.
“You caused an echo …
Get help here”, the text will be read.
How can I fix echoes during Google’s video calls? After Google meets shows a red point on the other option button, the user can tap it to unlock troubleshooting and the help page.
Here, Google will offer recommendations such as using headphones, lowering your speaker volume, and turning off when you are not one talking.
When and who will get the new feature feature will default for all users.
It will be available for all Google Workspace customers, as well as Basic customers and G Suite business.
It has begun to take refuge today for some users and will ultimately be available for all in the next 15 days.
Updates are shared by Google through blog posts.
“Most of the time, met will intelligently control the audio to eliminate echo.
However, sometimes still occur, and causing others to hear the echo of your devices when they speak.
Until now, it is difficult for you to know when your device causes echoes” , Google said.
“Now, we will tell you when we detect famous echoes of your system that can be heard by other call participants with a red dot on the more option buttons, along with text notifications”, getting further.

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