Google plays Android 12 Beta 3 with screenshots rolling, searches on devices and more – News2IN

Google plays Android 12 Beta 3 with screenshots rolling, searches on devices and more

Google plays Android 12 Beta 3 with screenshots rolling, searches on devices and more
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Tech Giant Google released the first beta of Android 12 at the annual Developer Conference I / O 2021 in May this year.
Then, last month the company released beta 2 for Android 12 with new privacy features.
Now, Google has launched the third beta of the latest version of its Android operating system.
Beta 3 for Android 12 presents several improvements than Android 12 Beta 2.
The latest beta update also brings features such as screenshot screenshots, on-device search and more.
Giant Tech also released Android 12 Beta 3 for TV with the switching rate refresh setting, support 4K UI and more.
Screenhoting Screenshotsthis Android 12 features are available in many Android versions such as Coloro Oppo and one Samsung UI.
With this feature in place, users will be able to capture and share rolling content easier.
When the user catches the screen catch that can be scrolled, they will now see the “Capture More” button to extend the screens’ catch into full content and then can adjust the plant.
On-Device Searchgoogle introduces a new APPSearch API, which is a search engine on new high-performance devices.
With AppSearch, the application can index structured data and search on it with the full text search capability built-in.
AppSearch will offer two local indices for applications and the Central Index.
Settings will integrate application data in the Android 12 UI system and will then offer features such as multi-language support, relevance rating and more.
Better, faster automatic twist Android 12 Beta 3, a smartphone pixel will use the front camera for automatic rotary features.
With the help of facial detection, the front camera will analyze the angle and will rotate the screen accordingly.
The rotated feature is automatically enhanced in our recently announced personal computing core, so that the image has never been saved or sent from the device.
Along with this, with Android 12 companies also increasing automatic rotation speeds.
The latency for basic automatic plot features has been reduced by 25%, and the benefits of increasing the increase in facial detection above the improvement.
Android 12 for GameAndroid 12 Beta 3 comes with a new Fire game mode that allows developers to adjust their game performance according to the profile set by the user.
This fire will be tied to the upcoming dashboard game that provides an overlay experience with quick access to the main utility during gameplay.
The game dashboard will be available on certain devices later this year.
The indicator of the API Privacy in WindowinsonesOne from the main highlight of Android 12 is a privacy feature.
One of these privacy features is new notifications received when the application uses a camera or device microphone.
The company said that developers may have problems with this feature if this notification will include useful content in their application.
To overcome this problem, Google has introduced API Privacy Indicators in Windowinsets.
This will allow the developer to adjust the relative placement of the notification on the screen.
At present, Android 12 Beta 2 is available for Google Pixel smartphones.
Users can download updates manually from the Android developer website.
The company has announced that beta 3 will be released in July followed by Beta 4 in August.

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