Google will now tell you why you see certain search results – News2IN

Google will now tell you why you see certain search results

Google will now tell you why you see certain search results
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Earlier this year, Google introduced features ‘about this result’ that allows you to draw information from Wikipedia about your website.
This feature makes it easy for Vet websites that you don’t know.
Now the technology giant has made it extra.
This feature will now tell you why you see these specific results.
Along with information about the publication of ‘source’, you will now be able to see the card ‘your search and this result is placed at the bottom’ about this result ‘when you tap on the overflow menu on the Web and Desktop.
This feature will now offer additional background information about the website.
Rolling updates start today and will tell you how the Google algorithm works and how to find certain website provisions.
Here are some of the factors you will see: matching keywords: simple, but important, Google factors are used to determine whether relevant information is when a web page contains the same keywords as your search.
Related provisions: Google also searches for terms determined by our system related to words in your request.
If you are looking for “how to cook fish in the oven,” we will also look for a page that has related terms such as “bake” and “recipes.” View Links: When other pages link to the page using similar words like your query, the page may be relevant to your search.
It can also be a useful indicator of whether online content makers tend to assume the page is useful for that topic.
Local relevance: Our system also sees factors such as the language you use to search for as well as your country and location, to send relevant content for your area.
For example, if you are looking for “what day pickup waste?,” Very helpful to get the results that apply to your city or country.
Now, this results panel will also highlight search tips that are useful for helping Google better understand what you have.
Re trying to find.
The panel will display the technique or search settings that you can use to modify your search to get the results after you.

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