Gorewada Zoo Starts Tiger Breeding in Safari – News2IN

Gorewada Zoo Starts Tiger Breeding in Safari

Gorewada Zoo Starts Tiger Breeding in Safari
Written by news2in

Nagpur: International Zoolological Park International Zoologian Thaberay in the city started a new round on Wednesday by pairing tiger women and men – Lee and Rajkumar – at home to Indian safari scattered in 25 hectares.
The initiative by the FDCM N Vasudevan executive director will give visitors to double pleasure, to see two tigers in the open.
However, veterinary scientists think differently.
The two tigers were released in Safari in December but were never released together, because of the fear that male tigers could kill women.
Safari opened on January 26, 2021.
“The whole idea of ​​this experiment is to allow marriage and breed both.
Even the recognition of the zoo rule, 2013, states that every zoo will try to obtain a partner for a single and no priority pair of animals.
It is also a biological requirement for animals, “said Dr Shirish Upadhye, Director, Wildlife Research & Training Center (WRTC), Gorewada Rescue Center.
This will be the Second Tiger Ex-Situ Conservation Experiment by the Corporation of Maharashtra Forest Development (FDCM).
Previously, on February 23, 2018, Lee, who was kept with a 12-year-old hand, after marriage to Sahebrao, a man defective, had sent four steps but killed them all.
This is because of bad maternal care.
The children must be shared with the Maharajbagh zoo together.
“Lee was taken to the rescue center from Maharajbagh in July 2017 because it breeded.
This is the second time after more than three years he will marry a six-year-old Rajkumar.
The tiger shifted to Gorewada after being arrested in December 2017 of the Bhandara district,” Pramod said Panchbhai, Division manager.
Deputy Director of WRTC Dr.
Vinod Dhoot said, “Our team has watched two-time behavior in captivity over the past few months.
The bond between the two tigers has grown in the past and in the last 10 days observed that Lee showed all the signs of receipt.
Both animals are not ready for Leave each other.
“The two tigers were released at 10 am under the observation of Dr.
Vinod Dhoot and other experts including the Gynecologist from Mafsu Dr.
Manoj Patil, Dr.
Mayur Pawshe, Dr.
Sujit Kaninth, Dr.
As Shalini and Transit Treatment Center (TTC) Dr.
Syed Bilal Ali.
When asked about breeding in the open, Dr.
Upadhye said, “Being the first experiment, will be interesting to know what will happen if children are delivered in the open.
The last time, Tigress was sent in captivity but killed all of his children, maybe because of lacking Experience.
“FDCM officials said,” Post Release, both tigers are compatible and blend each other and mated.
If children are properly maintained, we can exchange it with other zoos in lieu of other animals.

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