Government Preparation for Crypto bills, working on a list of tax issues – News2IN

Government Preparation for Crypto bills, working on a list of tax issues

New Delhi: Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman said on Monday that the government seeks to sort out tax problems to register abroad India companies, while preparing the law proposed on the cryptocurrency, amid indications that there may be options out for those who have invested in the eyes Virtual money.
Although the government has changed the Company’s law to allow the direct list of Indian companies in foreign exchange, it has not been an important amendment regarding Capital Gain tax on this stock.
Saying that internal “homework” has been done, FM said: “India itself becomes a paradise to raise money and many companies collect money here and some of them are a large ticket fundraising.” In recent weeks, liquidity liquidity has resulted in the IPO stream, with some problems, including Mega Lic One, marching for later in the year to meet the target of government worship Rs 1.75 lakh Crore.
Maintaining that the Sellloff program was on track, Sitharaman told reporters that inflation had moderated and would remain below the level of comfort of 6%, amid higher signs of consumption and pickup in investment.
“The economy is clearly out of the second wave challenge,” he said, adding that the government would continue to respond to problems that arise in the future.
He said the Ministry of Finance encouraged other government wings to carry out capital expenditures provided in the budget and recent inspection of limited expenditure on wasteful expenses.
Asked about the amendments recently about the provisions related to retrospective taxation, the minister said the rules would be immediately ready and officers explained the critical features of amendments, which have been notified in the law.

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