‘Govt is excluded, the agency of the legal protection of the proposed data’ – News2IN
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‘Govt is excluded, the agency of the legal protection of the proposed data’

'Govt is excluded, the agency of the legal protection of the proposed data'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Governments and institutions, including police, CBI, ED, R & A, IB and Uidai, can be released from the Proposed Data Protection Act for National Security and the reason for community welfare as long as they follow the prescribed and reasonable procedures , Parlementary panel recommends in the report adopted on Monday.
The combined parliamentary committee of the personal data protection bill also recommends that social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook must be treated as “social media platforms”, not intermediaries, and brought based on this proposed law.
Meanwhile, members of Congress and TMC provide different records to the committee.
According to the report, the panel has maintained a clause made 35 of the proposed laws that empower the central government and law enforcement agencies to process data without asking permission from individuals for sovereignty, state security and for a friendly relationship with foreign countries, Source said.
However, the Committee has recommended that the rules, which should be framed by the government, to provide liberation in certain institutions “must be fair, reasonable and proportional” they said.
These sources say intelligence and law enforcement agencies such as ED, CBI, IB and RA & W can be given exceptions under the law.
Likewise, organizations such as Uidai, which process data for the functioning of the government and community services, can also be excluded based on this proposed action, they said.
In addition to clauses 35 of the proposed law, some government arms, both state or centers, such as police, can also be given exceptions in certain cases to function as authorized by various laws, the sources said.
Likewise, Uidai, the Department of Income Tax and other departments from the center and countries can be released from this proposed law to perform government functions and provide services to the people, they said.
The committee in the report also maintains a penalty clause because in the original law, while fixing the upper limit, the source said.
In the case of small delinquency, the penalty in fiduciary data will not exceed the RS five crore or two percent of the total turnover of previous financial years, which is higher.
Likewise, in the case of a large delinquency, a penalty will become Rs 15 Crore or four percent of global turnover, they said.
Speaking of the report, Chairman of the Chaudhary PP Committee said more than 200 amendments and 93 recommendations from members of the Committee were made.
“This report is the result of wide consideration by all committee members and all stakeholders.
I personally extend their Thank you to all members for their cooperation.
This law will have a global impact and will set international standards in data protection,” Chaudhary said .
The panel has recommended a fairly 24-month transition period for the implementation of this proposed law after being applied as a law, he said.
The report was postponed by the panel when the former Chairman of Meenakshi Lekhi was appointed Minister and Chaudhary was appointed as his new chairman.
The bill was referred to JCP for supervision before being taken by parliament to consider and the hallway.

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