Guarantee for Aryan Khan: Defense lawyer what is debated to fight the NCB charges in drug-on-cruise cases – News2IN
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Guarantee for Aryan Khan: Defense lawyer what is debated to fight the NCB charges in drug-on-cruise cases

Guarantee for Aryan Khan: Defense lawyer what is debated to fight the NCB charges in drug-on-cruise cases
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Bombay High Court on Thursday guarantees Arya Khan and the other two after arrest in the case of illegal drugs on a cruise ship on the coast of Mumbai.
The High Court will pass the reasons for assignments in detail tomorrow.
This means Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha will spend at least night in prison.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) opposed the Bail Arya Khan application and said that it could affect the process of investigation and institutions needed more time to dig the international cruise drug racquet.
Arguing against guarantees, NCB said that Aryan was an ordinary medicine consumer and also related to vendors.
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This is what NCB said in court:
* Arya Khan is not the first consumer medication.
Our record shows that Aryan Khan has made a mass of mass and commercial amounts.
This is a hard medicine.
He (Aryan) has been related to drug vendors
* Arbaaz is a childhood friend Arya Khan.
Even if you don’t have (medicine) but you are part of a conspiracy, you will be punished under the same part of the law.
* No need for NCB to do a medical test on the defendant to examine drugs because the case of agency is not that they have consumed drugs.
Why should the NCB test when we know that they have been arrested because of ownership and conspiracy? The drugs are intended for consumption later.
* Arya Khan realized that Arbaz had.
Charas for smoking and it’s for the consumption of both though with Arbaaz physically.
Memo Arrests mention the number of commercial drugs and also mention that Aryan has tried to deal with commercial quantities.
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* Conspiracy is difficult to prove, the conspirator knows how they conspire.
I handed it to the court conscience.
Assuming that there is a deviation at the time of arrest, which has been fixed after the order.
* If the defendant now claims their arrest is illegal, why they did not challenge the judge’s orders who took him to NCB custody.
Lawyers Arya Khan beat Rohatgi’s Rejinder:
Aryan Khan’s lawyer beat Rohatgi and the lawyer of the two accused yesterday denied the allegations carried out by NCB in their submission in court.
Defense lawyers argue that the arrest of all three was accused of illegal because they had not taken any medicine.
Today, after the NCB argument, Aryan’s lawyer hit Rohatgi once again replied to conspiracy fees.
This is what he mentioned in court:
* Arya and Arbaaz together.
The most important thing that has been put against us is a commercial quantity recovered from others.
While ASG (general additional lawyers) refer to Section 37 by referring to restored commercial quantities, but section 27A is not called to them.
Read the Alsodrugs case: What lawyer Arya Khan hit Rohatgi in court during the hearing of a bail
* What is debated against me is what has been found in the other five which if you will total commission.
Aachit Kumar called the NCB dealer was arrested four days later with 2.5 grams.
Can he be a dealer?
* A dealer will have 200 grams.
Their case is if it’s not a coincidence, but a conspiracy.
There must be a meeting of mind.
Say phone calls between all 8.
So apart from Arbaaz, nothing has something to do with Arya.
* If their argument that the receipt of the statement section 67 cannot be seen at this stage, then it will be a violation of article 21.
* There are no ingredients to accuse conspiracy.

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