Gujarat added 10,019 Covid cases, two deaths – News2IN

Gujarat added 10,019 Covid cases, two deaths

Gujarat added 10,019 Covid cases, two deaths
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: Gujarat in 24 hours ended 5 pm on Friday adding 10,019 new covid-19 positive cases.
The number is 10.4% less than 11,176 on Thursday.
It was the second consecutive day of 10,000 daily cases.
With renewal, Covid-19 cumulative case crosses 9 lakh in Gujarat.
In the case of cumulative cases, Gujarat is 11 among Indian countries.
In terms of active cases, Gujarat is 9 with 55,798.
The state recorded the deaths of two active patients – one in Valsad and Navsari Regency – took official deaths because the pandemic became 10,144.
New cases include 3,090 from Ahmedabad City, 2,986 from the City of Letter, 1,274 from the city of Vadodara, 296 from Rajkot City and 273 of the letter district, among others.
The daily debit ratio is 48% at 4,831 on Friday.
Gujarat in 24 hours vaccinated 14,260 people for the first dose and 17,169 for the second.
Overall, the 5 crore was given first and 4.39 crore the second dose of the covid vaccine.
The 7.550 teenager vaccinated state in the age group 15-18 years, took a total of up to 20.72 lakh.
Gujarat given a dose of booster to 7,017 health workers and frontline (HFW and FLW), taking a total to 4.77 lakh.
The overall recovery rate of the country was 92.7% while from active cases, 54 patients were in the ventilator, mentioned in the state health department bulletin.

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