Gujarat: Cars, trucks are stoned with stones in E-Way – News2IN

Gujarat: Cars, trucks are stoned with stones in E-Way

Gujarat: Cars, trucks are stoned with stones in E-Way
Written by news2in

Anand: Unknown people throw stones in trucks and cars moving over the expanse of the Vadodara-Ahmedabad toll road in Anand Gujarat District, damaging seven vehicles and placing passenger life at risk, said the police on Wednesday.
The glass windows of three trucks and four cars were broken late Tuesday night after several people threw stones at the vehicle, took advantage of the darkness, said an official from the Anand Rural Police Station.
There were no injured passengers in the incident that took place above the expanse of the toll road near Samarkha Village, he said.
Patrols throughout the rising stretch and pine are registered with three unknown people under the Indian Criminal Code Section 308 (an effort to commit the guilty murder), he said.
“Around 11pm on Tuesday, the vehicle to Ahmedabad on the toll road was held by stones thrown by unknown people.
Seven vehicles, including three trucks, were damaged,” the official said.
Investigations are underway to identify criminals, he said.

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