Gujarat: Covid encourages youth 220 kg under a surgical knife – News2IN

Gujarat: Covid encourages youth 220 kg under a surgical knife

Gujarat: Covid encourages youth 220 kg under a surgical knife
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Ahmedabad: Hiren Padhariya, 33, Gadhada’s native residents now settled in Godhra, weighs 220kg.
“I worked in the joints for seven years.
I have to leave work because my obesity comes on my duty path.
I can’t walk for a long time, can’t get up without help or climb the stairs,” Hiren tells.
The turning point came when he signed Covid in April.
“I was hospitalized for more than a half months.
I felt as if someone put a stone on my chest.
I could hardly move.
While I realized the problem with obesity, this was the last encouragement that prepared me to go under the knife, “Hiren said, who was among 30 patients who underwent bariatric surgery to reduce weight at KD Hospital as part of conscious initiatives.
The operation was carried out in 24 hours as part of the CSR activity by Nobesity, KD Hospital and several other donors.
Manish Khait, Director of Nobesity and Senior Consultant of Bariatric Surgery at the KD Hospital, said the patient had a body mass index (BMI) ranging from 40 to 70, and the age group was 35 to 65 years.
Adit Desai, the Director of the KD Hospital, said the purpose of this operation was to increase awareness among the people to recognize obesity as a lifestyle disease.
“Of the total patients, around 40% have a history of Covid-19.
In addition, we have seen a stable increase in bariatric operations after the second wave because many are aware of the dangers of being overweight,” said Dr.
“The CDC report from 72,491 adults who were hospitalized with Covid-19 revealed that 50.2% of them were obese and 28.3% were overweight, which meant three quarters of patients received had weight problems.” Experts at KD Hospital said special camps were held as part of a travel awareness.
“Obesity can threaten the lives because it can cause heart problems, diabetes, hypertension, some cancer and even strokes.
In most cases, obesity is associated with lifestyle abnormalities,” Dr.
Khait said.
Two methods, longer follow-up to ensure permanent patients in the form of team members say they use stomach arms – also known as stomach wrapping – or gastric bypass, based on patient profiles.
They also undergo psychological counseling and hormone therapy.
Hunger is not only in the stomach, but also in mind, said experts.
This procedure does not allow patients to return to their old way – there are limitations about food intake and lifestyle changes involved.
The patients must undergo follow-up for several years to prevent recurrence, experts said.
The patients were trained to go for a large number of help and to control compulsive meals.
After Pandemic, Gujarat reported a higher food intake, the overweight population of the two latest studies based in Gujarat carried out by the Department of Food and Nutrition from two universities showed that the pandemic was proven to be a curse for many people because they drastically reduced physical activity and Increased food intake.
A survey that included 400 respondents indicated that more than half of the respondents had a BMI of more than 25, considered overweight.
Experts say that for those who have a BMI of more than 40, it is difficult to reduce weight in a natural way.
The only way out is to ensure a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and sustainable physical activity.

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