Gujarat Govt cleanses great obstacles for rebuilding – News2IN

Gujarat Govt cleanses great obstacles for rebuilding

Gujarat Govt cleanses great obstacles for rebuilding
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: The main obstacle on the re-development path of the old community listed under the Gujarat Cooperative Law has been removed.
The simple office order for all cooperative district applicants has been issued by the state to allow the development project to return under the changed actions.
Despite the amendments in the Flat Law of Gujarat’s ownership (1972) was made in September 2018, in September 2018, in December 2019 that the urban development department clearly stated that the rebuilding clause also applies to housing communities regulated by laws Gujarat cooperative.
However, because there is no office order from the Cooperative Department, many district registrants are reluctant to accept rebuilding proposals from cooperative housing communities.
Meanwhile, major problems arise from situations where 25% of the population disagrees with rebuilding.
Surendra Shah from the Vaikunth community in Maninagar said, “In the existing GOF Law, stateneed to clarify legal procedures that must be followed in the case of 25% of community members do not approve rebuilding.” A similar problem was faced by the residents of Shri Vivekanand Society in Jodhpur where developers for the past two years pay a transit rent for all 76 members but this project has not taken off because two members disagree.
The main potential is also located in many people built by Gujarat housing council.
Recently, the state stopped the proposal to convert housing units from the Gujarat housing council from the lease to free payment of the permanent number of Jantri.
In addition to generating revenue for the state government, this step will open the way for residents to have such properties, which they currently hold rent.
Warning will not only get a higher income than the sale of this property, they can also choose to rebuild.

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